resilient creatives

I am honoured to be included in the premier of the podcast Resilient Creatives. “Artist Cornelia van Voorst shares how developing an art practice in her fifties helped her explore the benefits of art, in a world shaken up by the intergenerational trauma of war and colonialism.”I invite you to take in the podcast “ArtContinueContinue reading “resilient creatives”

lockdown collaboration

How do artists keep in touch during lockdown? How do we keep our spirits up? Over 60 artists in Victoria BC, Canada answered these questions with the project ‘Postcards From the Pandemic.’ The project was intiated and facilitated by BOXCARSIX and included 60 artists and produced over 900 postcards. The cards were exhibited at TheContinueContinue reading “lockdown collaboration”

Until 5 Memory

I am very glad and grateful that four of my pieces from A Complex Grief are included in Victoria Arts Council’s magazine ‘Until 5’ which engages with the theme of memory. Here is an excerpt from the foreword: “In the following pages, there is a surprising array of interpretations to the theme of Memory. SomeContinueContinue reading “Until 5 Memory”

take this cup

“Cup” was made with conte and acrylic paint in 2010, and digitally edited in 2020. This image was published in the Emmaus Community’s booklet of meditations for the season of Lent.  Here is my reflection: As I considered the scriptures for today’s reading, an early artwork of mine came to mind. What does it depict?ContinueContinue reading “take this cup”

interworld opens

Interworld opened on May 3rd and ran to May 12, 2019. It was the first of two exhibitions from the mentorship program at arc.hive. “Seven artists navigate the Interworld to produce works exploring time, transformation, the uncanny, and the secretive and silenced worlds of trauma and mental health.”  The artists included Shae Anthony, Desiree DeRuiter, Markus Drassl, SusanContinueContinue reading “interworld opens”