
When I read the description of Endurance from the Creative Mornings newsletter, which I include in this post, I feel that it fits so well with the themes of my body of work, The Persistence of Love, and with my journey through trauma recovery. It feels such a privilege to speak to this theme fromContinue reading "endurance"

beloved resistance

The Victoria Arts Council invited me to exhibit at theDock: Centre for Social Impact. ( October 28, 2022-January 23, 2023) I was excited as the centre is about social change and community. It meant also that my work A Complex Grief and a few pieces from The Persistence of Love would have another iteration. TheDockContinue reading "beloved resistance"

permission to grieve

"During the global pandemic, personal grief has increased for the entire Capital Regional District community, as individuals have, and currently, are mourning things like losing their job, deaths, and just everyday changes and routines that are now lost. These major life events are uprooting individual’s once grounded existence and causing grief to happen in isolatedContinue reading "permission to grieve"

resilient creatives

I am honoured to be included in the premier of the podcast Resilient Creatives. "Artist Cornelia van Voorst shares how developing an art practice in her fifties helped her explore the benefits of art, in a world shaken up by the intergenerational trauma of war and colonialism."I invite you to take in the podcast "ArtContinue reading "resilient creatives"