permission to grieve

“During the global pandemic, personal grief has increased for the entire Capital Regional District community, as individuals have, and currently, are mourning things like losing their job, deaths, and just everyday changes and routines that are now lost. These major life events are uprooting individual’s once grounded existence and causing grief to happen in isolatedContinueContinue reading “permission to grieve”

post card project

For the last number of weeks, I have participated in an initiative by a local contemporary artist collective BOXCARSIX in their Post Card Project. It was conceived as a means for members to be in touch with each other and continue making art together during the time of lock-down. Each artist would begin a card,ContinueContinue reading “post card project”

the persistence of love

I take courage from an idea by Gandhi, which I paraphrase:Love must exist, it must be powerful – otherwise how is it that human beings survive even with all the awful things we perpetrate upon the world?  Gandhi points out that history is full of news of trouble, hurt and catastrophe, but it neglects toContinueContinue reading “the persistence of love”

interworld opens

Interworld opened on May 3rd and ran to May 12, 2019. It was the first of two exhibitions from the mentorship program at arc.hive. “Seven artists navigate the Interworld to produce works exploring time, transformation, the uncanny, and the secretive and silenced worlds of trauma and mental health.”  The artists included Shae Anthony, Desiree DeRuiter, Markus Drassl, SusanContinueContinue reading “interworld opens”

lenten presence

Lent ( the 40 days before Easter) is traditionally a time in which we are to consider our vulnerability and fallibility as human beings. I was asked to contribute to a small booklet of Lenten reflections which is edited by the Rev. Meagan Crosby Shearer who is priest to the Emmaus Community and St MatthiasContinueContinue reading “lenten presence”