permission to grieve

“During the global pandemic, personal grief has increased for the entire Capital Regional District community, as individuals have, and currently, are mourning things like losing their job, deaths, and just everyday changes and routines that are now lost. These major life events are uprooting individual’s once grounded existence and causing grief to happen in isolatedContinueContinue reading “permission to grieve”

take this cup

“Cup” was made with conte and acrylic paint in 2010, and digitally edited in 2020. This image was published in the Emmaus Community’s booklet of meditations for the season of Lent.  Here is my reflection: As I considered the scriptures for today’s reading, an early artwork of mine came to mind. What does it depict?ContinueContinue reading “take this cup”

interworld opens

Interworld opened on May 3rd and ran to May 12, 2019. It was the first of two exhibitions from the mentorship program at arc.hive. “Seven artists navigate the Interworld to produce works exploring time, transformation, the uncanny, and the secretive and silenced worlds of trauma and mental health.”  The artists included Shae Anthony, Desiree DeRuiter, Markus Drassl, SusanContinueContinue reading “interworld opens”